Time to step up?  

By Gary Cook

     Lou, Roberta, Gerri, Hannah, Signa and myself are all working at Camp Manatawny this week. This congregation supports the mission of the camp $500 a month and has done so for a very long time. I hope we can see the importance of what is done at the camp. As we know, from the many headlines in the news the past few weeks, the world continues to be the same sinful, difficult place it has always been. Satan has not stopped his efforts to pull people away from the Lord. Camp is one avenue we have to present Christianity in a positive light to lots of young people, many of whom do not come out of a church background. Let us continue to pray for this effort.

     Another way to fight back against Satan is to be teaching the word of God to our young people in our Sunday morning Bible classes. There was an article is last weeks bulletin (maybe this weeks too) about the need for additional teachers starting in September. Many of the current teachers have been doing the job for the entire three years I have been here. One of them (Mike Strandberg) has just moved away.

    We can’t just sit and wring our hands complaining about how terrible the world is and then ignore the need and opportunity to do something about it. Yes, it will mean some extra work on your part. Yes, you may have to get up a little earlier on Sunday. Yes, you may have done your part in the past. But the problem is now!

    When did Jesus ever see an important need, shrug his shoulders and walk away hoping someone else would take care of it?

     “O, To Be Like Thee”