Our Worship

Our Schedule for Worship
* Bible classes for all at 9:30 a.m.
* Bible classes for all at 9:30 a.m.
* Worship service begins at 10:30 a.m
Bible lessons start at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom
We Are Located at
570 Garretson Rd., Bridgewater, New Jersey, 08807.
As you approach our location, you will see the sign for the church on Garretson Road. Turn onto the long driveway, and follow it all the way to the back end of the property to the parking lot and church building.
What is the dress-code?
We don’t have a dress code. Some of our members prefer a suit and tie, while others are more comfortable in jeans and t-shirts. The bottom-line is that we’re more interested in meeting you and getting to know you than what you’re wearing!
How many people does the church building seat?
We have space for about 200 people.
What type of music do you have during worship?
We do not have instrumental music during our service. All hymns and songs are sung acapella, and led by a song-leader.
What religious text do you use/follow?
For the worship service, we use the Bible almost exclusively, unless a special lesson is being taught that requires an additional source.
Lessons on Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, and Wednesday evenings are also Bible-based. We occasionally offer classes based on additional texts or books. All outside text books are approved by the Elders prior to use.
We typically utilize the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible for lessons and for worship. Copies of the NIV Bible are found in the pews. If you are more comfortable or more familiar with an alternate version of the Bible (King James, NAS, etc), then please continue to use that Bible.
The Lords Supper
Communion is offered every Sunday morning as part of our worship service. We welcome all those who believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is their personal Savior and the Son of God to take Communion. If you arrive at service after Communion has been served, you can still receive communion at the end of the worship service.